SENDI elements are possibility for receiving and sending unexpected impulses between many sources.
SENDI elements are now splitted. Some parts from Beograd and Kassel are in Berlin and some elements are in Novi Sad. SENDI was born from dimensia and moment that we dont know. The unexpected parts of SENDI praxa are the fundament for building a SENDI equivalent. |
Opening of unexpected SENDI channels 14. December in 18.00 h This is a open call to establish direct connection with SENDI. Sendi transmission will be established on Sunday 14th December 2003 in 18:00 h. Some Parts for building a personal SENDI are with SENDI-agents in Berlin. You can meet them between 17.00 - 19.00h at b_books, Luebbener Str. 14, Berlin You can use the physical appearance of SENDI elements and take them from the agent, add some new parts and build a channel. ------------------------------------------- NOTES: It's not necessary to collect these elements for building a connection. It is only important to create unknown password for attention. Sendi praxa is one of the ways how to fix the problem with your telephone line. Animal impulses and signals are also full of eloquence to build a strong net. SENDI is recommended by and recommends: various-euro and n0name Radioriff # O /| / "Radio" Sonntag - 14/12 2003 17.00 - 19.00 Uhr Mikroradioparty "Displaced Dilemma" Plug-In Party & Mini FM Radiostation live! Audiostream* 17.30 - 19.00 Uhr aus Kreuzberg mit Tetsuo Kogawa, Matze Schmidt, various euro, mi & yagin b_books Luebbener Str. 14 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg Plug-In Party (ab! 12.12.2003) RAD(Y)O Audiograffity Audiostream pnm:// (RealPlayer) terrestrische Frequenz in Berlin, BRD 104.1 MHz radioriff Offene Kanaele fuer Beitraege am 14/12 2003 17.30 - 19.00 Uhr: Brecht's Mobiltelefon ("Radio"mobil) 49(0)170/5370633 (D1; Mobiltelefon, SMS & Fax) E-Mailradio: Oeffentlichkeit ist ein Phantasma! "Radio"s sind offizioes! D.h., sie sind weder privat, noch oeffentlich. Genau das richtige fuer einen Multiplex aus Plug-In Parties und dem Treck der »displaced dilemmas« an dem sich jede/r mit oder ohne Ambitionen, oder - Equipment beteiligen kann: als Hoerer, per Klinkenstecker, etwas trinken, organisiert, den Speicherchip mit Audiograffity fuellen, mit Brecht's Mobiltelefon telefonieren, oder 0-Piratenradio mit Funkkopfhoerern machen, Orte finden, Deplazierungen finden. Radioriff 11.12. bis 18.12.2003 taeglich 12:00-06:00 Uhr auf 104.1 MHz ein Radioprojekt vom und im Ausland in der Lychener Straße 60, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. |
SENDI CHANNEL OPEN! Sekspirova 9, Novi Sad, 18:00, 14.12.2003... |