Phenomena of Transfer ![]() r stands there talking to the commission about her work. she wears black trousers and a very tight black corsett under a strange red children's jacket. next to her stands a bag on the floor. v sits and plays the transparent shell game. suddenly he shouts in r's direction: v: hey, what are you doing there! r: i try to explain what i do. v: stop this immediately. go over there! r: what? ah, leave me alone! v stands up and pushes r to a certain point in the room. then he goes back to the transparent shell game. v: stand there! dont move from that position! r goes on to talk about what she plans to do in yugoslavia. v: shut up! r: but i am in the middle of a presentation. v: that is not of any interest. v shifts the shells. v: put your shoes off! as r doesnt react immidiately, v stands up and comes close to her. r puts her shoes of. in this moment, v rips r's jacket off and goes back to shift the shells. v: move over there! r is getting ready to move and pulls the bag over. v: leave the bag alone! what is inside? r: nothing special. v comes over. he pulls things out of the bag (palota pincsi shirt, metatesla, small globe, rak, chinese chokolat, lion, providna srna etc) and throws them around shouting: v: what is this? and this? r: its for you! at that moment starts the sound of a helicopter |