entrance program space contact sponsor linkz :+++++: radio!

canal bleu @ juni-radio 104,1 fm
bootlab - berlin - friday 20.06.2003 - 20-21h!

canal bleu +//+ 26.7-31.7.2002 +//+
@ bateaubleu + fundus - renthof 4 - kassel - germany - @ 20h daily:

|check!media-art@>.lt .de .fr .at"]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++:





:s:27-7:/o-o.lt/~ke_an /o-o.lt/cipher /xbxjxgx.info]:++++++++++++++++:


://restate.org /rgt.modukit.com/redundant /various-euro.com]:++++++++:


various-euro - v.a.r.02+ [http://www.various-euro.com] rgt - redundant feature: pea counting interface [http://rgt.modukit.com/redundant] restate - onland live pervormants [http://www.restate.org] d2b + mi_ga - asco-o li-ive [http://www.d2b.org/asco-o/] [http://www.o-o.lt/asco-o/] vj ede [http://www.framez.de] herr stenzel [http://www.herrstenzel.de] o-o/cipher - playing idea [http://www.o-o.lt/cipher] |{.f| - .perfomance for l-system plant and voice [http://www.o-o.lt/~ke_an] BLACKJEWISHGAYS [http://xbxjxgx.info/] pavu.com - Gurmuru Surdman Earth Poron (kuo ming soung) 1 - Walking the Lightoffed Century with IQ Torches - mobile conference / performance 2 - Earth Poron - open air unplugging 3 - "Parliament Bitte' the 101/0 UpGrade PlateForm" - walletizing conference 4 - The PINE concert 5 - SPrInT - tHe genHuine onHline papHer report [http://www.pavu.com] [http://www.nextroute.com] Jacques perconte - interventions [http://www.technart.net] [http://www.ex-zero.net] jimpunk [http://www.jimpunk.com/www/kasselpunk] fbwn.net [http://www.fbwn.net]