0 (hill of the ugly heads) 1 (proud heroines of remote control) 2 (friendly horror) 3 (slightly desperate attack)

Distributer - Duha "Nishke Banje" Beschreibung der Waffe / Description of Weapon / Opis oruzja

Der Distributer "Der Geist von Nishka Banja" durchkreuzt mühelos die Territorien des heroischen Autorensubjekts.

The Distributor "Spirit of Nishka Banja" flies without effort across the territorries of the heroic auctorial subject.

Distributer "Duh Nishke Banje", leti, bez problema, preko teritorija herojskih autoritativnih subjekata.
Veliki Desintegrator
Blüte der Transparenz
Implosions of Desire
Spirit of "Nishka Banja"
Ruzna Srna
Niemann I