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| 2005 | | 2006 | | 2007 | | 2008 | | 2009 | | 2010 | | | 2011 | | 2012 | | novembar 2005 20. XI 2005. : !!!VELIKA PROMOCIJA knjige "Under the Bridge-Beograd" na NY-lonu u Novom Sadu!!!! Pozvani ste da dodjete na Nylon pijacu od 8h-14h, bicemo sa suprotne strane od glavnog ulaza (tj. ulica koja vodi prema pijaci gde se nalaze parkinzi). Sa nama mozete popiti koju casicu pica za zagrevanje, (mora se, bice hladno a mozda i sneg!) october 2005 KNJIGA NA SAJMU KNJIGA!!!! u Beogradu 25. - 31. octobar 2005 september 2005 BIG TOUR AROUND CROATIA!!!! > program > organisation: 04zine august 2005 TopTOUR GERMANY: Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden Organisation: Top-e.V. Berlin PROMOCIJA MEGAZINA 04 IZ ZAGREBA!!! june 2005 HAUSBAU_O5 Gropiusstadt Berlin Under the Bridge -Beograd Premiere of the Documentary Video in Prishtina June 9th 2005, 16:00 h Exit, Institute for Contemporary Art Prishtina Presentation and video projection Under the Bridge, Belgrade 2005, 32 min and Potsdamer Reloaded, Berlin, 2003, 6 min Both films are made from documentary material of actions, that explored the space of the city. Potsdamer Reloaded was a part of the festival Fake Fire, that was realised in a cooperation between Buero Friedrich and top.e.V Berlin. http://play.modukit.com Under the Bridge was an international meeting to research the city of Belgrade and to put in question our perspectives and projections. The project was a cooperation between biro Beograd and AG Breitenbildung > Under the Bridge -Beograd TRANSFORMACIJA 05 27.06. - 01.07. Zrenjanin Transformacija nepoznatog grada - Transformation of the unknown city with flexible art network may 2005 How to meet King Alexander? 5-minutes-exhibition on the market with the class of Ulrike Grossarth, Dresden april 2005 KREATIVNO MESTO - What is a creative space? one-day action with flexible art network Zorica and Rena meeting the turtle december 2004 UNDER THE BRIDGE Under the bridge was a meeting and field research that took place in december 2004 in Belgrade. In this project we brought together guests from different countries with young people from Belgrade to encounter together the city. Final event was a joint visit Under the Bridge, a blind spot in the middle of Belgrade, to get in contact with the people, that are living there: Roma and refugees. see documentation Under the Bridge je kongres i radionica, koja se desila od 10-15. decembra 2004 u Beogradu i bice nastavljena tokom jeseni 2005. u Pristini. Na medjunarodnom nivou pozvano je 24 ucesnika iz umetnosti, kulture, arhitekture, antropologije i socio-politickog polja. Oni su svojim istrazivanjem, nekonvencionalnim i eksperimentalnim metodama ucestvovali u interkulturalnoj komunikaciji koja je trajala 5 dana. Ucesnici su istrazivali prostor grada-Beograda, tj. nacin na koji je on uspostavljen i definisan. Jedna od velikih akcija tokom projekta bila je odlazak u pravom smislu reci, under the bridge - ispod mosta. Zajedno, ucesnici i publika, sastali su se (na nevidljivom mestu) ispod mosta, naucivsi i otkrivsi dragocene dozivljaje i aspekte svakodnevnog zivota u interkulturalnoj komunikaciji i realnom kontaktu sa ljudima koji zive tamo. |