DECLINE OF THE HYPE ?!      >> srpski     pictures
or The possibility of a skyscraper to produce meanings

Maja Ciric

Let' s make a place for a new experience out of the forgotten space

Initiative: Maja Ciric, a freelance curator and much more...

Place: Belgrade palace / an exotic other / a consumer's hell / a heaven for a new identity.

Directions: inside/outside; upside/down; left/right/in between;

Time: Monday

Participants: those who are enjoying the silence of anonymity while swarming around the shopping malls on daily bases; those who are willing to change their focal point, at least for this occasion.

Why? Instead of talking about the decline of history, we could make one. Instead of consuming ready-lives, new relations could be produced. While the reference points for collective identification are more uncertain than ever, the desire for signification influenced by consumerism might be lost. The possibility for organic life disappears as the individuals are connected by the abstract systems of communication, rather than between each other.

Belgrade palace belongs to another time and space, and therefore generates the specific conditions for the social organism. As a hybrid, the building could be both, a non-place and its opposition. Let's celebrate the opposition reveled by Belgrade palace! Let us meet in the void found between the local and the universal ...let's see what happens...

Non-place: universal and instantly familiar in appearance, and at the same time somehow prestigious and desirable. Images of, and in, non-places show a world of consumption that every individual can make her/his own - where we become ourselves by doing what all the others do. Also, they produce recognition -lost in a foreign country we feel at home in the anonymous places that look the same all over the world, hotel chains, restaurant chains, service stations, department stores etc.

Non-place specific: The (art + life) project in progress developed in tight collaboration with the people who are looking in the same direction from Sweden, Russia...

>The capacity of a body isn't enough
>Darting from side to side
     >  Rena+Vladan: Map of Novi Sad
>Decline of the Hype
>YU (post) history happening
>strictly baltic
>Walking Exhibition
>The Walk-Room
>Entropy and the Heterogenous
DECLINE OF THE HYPE ?!     >> english
ili Mogucnost jednog solitera za proizvodnju znacenja

Maja Ciric

LET' s make a space for our identity out of the forgotten place


Mesto: Palata Beograd / egzoticno Drugo / potrosaski pakao / raj za novi identitet

pravac: spolja - iznutra; gore - dole; levo - desno;

vreme: ponedeljak, radni dan

inicijator: Maja Ciric, samostalni kustos i jos po nesto

ucesnici: svi koji svakodnevno uzivaju u svojoj anonimnosti pri raznim kupovinama; svi oni koji su spremni da tokom kupovine i setnje obrate paznju jedni na druge

zasto? umesto da pricamo o istoriji, mogli bi u njoj da ucestvujemo: umesto gubitka identiteta, mogli bi da stvorimo odnose. Referentne tacke za kolektivnu identifikaciju nesigurnije su nego ikad. Istovremeno, zelja za pronalazenjem smisla i znacenja, se gubi usled navale potrosacke kulture u kojoj su Individualci povezani abstraktnim sistemom komunikacije, pre nego medjusobno. Takve okolnosti onemogucavaju organski zivot...

Palata Beograd, pripada nekom drugom vremenu i prostoru. Kao hibrid ona moze biti i non-place i njegova opozicija. Hajde da proslavimo njegovu opoziciju! Hajde da se nadjemo na brisanom prostoru izmedju lokalnog i univerzalnog!

Non-place: univerzalna, ali i pozeljna mesta koja lice jedna na druge; potrosacki svet dostupan svima; mesto u kome postajemo neko I bivamo priznati radeci ono sto drugi rade; kada smo izgubljeni u drugoj zemlji ta anonimna mesta cine da se osecamo kao kod kuce ( restorani, super marketi, benzinske pumpe... )

Non-place specific: projekat u razvoju u saradnji sa ljudima koji gledaju u istom pravcu iz Rusije, Svedske...