Fragmenti This is one world pictures Milica Lapcevic Potraga uz fotografisanje perceptivnih fragmenata sveta koji se prepoznaju kao isti: Umetnici iz Beograda pronalaze i beleze fotoaparatom utiske koji ih podsecaju na druge gradove ili predele iz sveta, a umetnici gosti se trude da pronadju isto tj. nesto sto ih podseca na druge gradove ili predele u svetu, a nalazi se u Beogradu... Medjutim, pravog poredjenja nema, vec se na kraju sakupljaju elementi idealne vizelne price Slika sveta koju mozemo videti i u Beogradu. Ispod mosta , pozvala bih neke od umetnika, koji zele da se pridruze pravljenju skulptura od papirnih listova na kojima su geografske karte, a koje cu sama doneti za ovu svrhu. |
ACTIONS: >The capacity of a body isn't enough >Darting from side to side >MapPlay > Rena+Vladan: Map of Novi Sad >Decline of the Hype >Itinereri >YU (post) history happening >strictly baltic >Walking Exhibition >Fragmenti >The Walk-Room >Entropy and the Heterogenous |
Fragmenti This is one world Research through photographing fragments of the world that we perceive like the same. Participants from Beograd are taking pictures from places or situations that remaind them on other cities or landscapes from the world, and guests are also trying to find something that reminds them on some other city or place in the world, but is in Beograd. In fact, real comparison doesn't exist, but in the end we have a collection of elements for an ideal visual story of the Picture of the World that we can see also in Beograd. Under the Bridge, i would like to invite participants to join in making a sculpture from paper sheets with geographical maps on them. |