Aleksandar Sale Stanojlovic

I 'm working on itineraries and it would be great when some of participants want to make an interesting itinerery of Belgrade, for the first parts of project on the streets of Belgrade. here are some hints like examples:

itineraries of interesting graffities,
itineraries of tramp corners in the city,
itineraries of the most stinky places in the city,
itineraries of parks for walking with dogs,
crazy tree tops,
cafes and clubs with best chicks,
underwear shops,
where the busdrivers get their busses into top gear,
best burek shops...

there are of course so many themes,

If this sounds interesting I could coordinate this kind of "workshops", 'cose I know Belgrade very well although i don't live there.

Ja se u poslednje vreme bavim itinererima i super bi bilo ako bi neki ucesnici prihvatili da naprave neke zanimljive beogradske itinerere, govorim za prvi deo programa, onaj za beogradske ulice. Naprimer, sta mi prvo pada na pamet:

itinereri zanimljivih grafita,
itinereri mesta za coskarenje,
itinereri najsmrdljivjih mesta u gradu,
itinereri parkova gde ljudi setaju kucice,
blesavih krosnji,
kafica i klubova sa najboljim ribama,
radnji sa donjim vesom,
gde majstori turiraju buseve,
najboljih burekdzinica..

teme se redjaju same od sebe,

Ako zvuci zanimljivo, mogao bih koordinirati ovakve "radionice" jer Beograd dobro poznajem bez obzira sto ne zivim u njemu.

>The capacity of a body isn't enough
>Darting from side to side
     >  Rena+Vladan: Map of Novi Sad
>Decline of the Hype
>YU (post) history happening
>strictly baltic
>Walking Exhibition
>The Walk-Room
>Entropy and the Heterogenous