YU (POST) HISTORY HAPPENING >> srpski pictures Ivana Rankovic & Predrag Miladinovic Fresh winter air Urban background Historical artifacts Live conversation Start - In front of Museum of Yugoslav History, Nikola Pasic Square, Nr. 3 Finish - 'House of Flowers' - Tito's Mausoleum, Boticeva 6 Aim - Facing with archetypes of Yugoslav history Documentation - Films, photos, interviews, authentique souvenirs The Begining and The End of Yugoslav History 1919 - 2003 24th November 1918 The Central Committee of the People's Council of the SCS proclaimed the unification of the state of Slovenes, Croats and the Serbs living in the area of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro into a single state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. 29. November 1943 At the Second Session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ), Yugoslavia was designed as a federation of five nations (Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians and Montenegrins) and six federal units (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina). 27. April 1992 The Federal Chamber of the SFRY Assembly adopted the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) as the joint state of Serbia and Montenegro. 14th March 2002 The officials of FR Yugoslavia, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro signed in Belgrade, in the presence of the High Representative of the European Union, the Proceeding Points for the Restructuring of Relations between Serbia and Montenegro stipulating that "Serbia and Montenegro" was to be the name of the FRY in the future. 4th February 2003 The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, based on the equality of its two member states - the state of Serbia and the state of Montenegro - was formed. (www.gov.yu) |
![]() History After History February 4th 2003 What has changed after that day? Are we the same? Who are we? What is our identity? Do we have identity? Do we need identity? What is post identity? What is post history? Do we live post history? What is history? Do we need Museum of Yugoslav history? Who deserves a monument? Who makes monuments? Who makes art? Who writes history? Who believes in historical facts? Where are the borders? Who believes in borders? What is globalization? What is transition? What is world economy? What is democracy? Who believes in justice? Who believes in destiny? Who believes in God? Who is religious? Who is atheist? Who is communist? What is communism? Do we live in post communism? Where we live? Who was Tito? |
ACTIONS: >The capacity of a body isn't enough >Darting from side to side >MapPlay > Rena+Vladan: Map of Novi Sad >Decline of the Hype >Itinereri >YU (post) history happening >strictly baltic >Walking Exhibition >Fragmenti >The Walk-Room >Entropy and the Heterogenous |
YU (POST) HISTORY HAPPENING >> english Ivana Rankovic & Predrag Miladinovic Svez zimski vazduh Urbano okruzenje Istorijski artefakti Razgovor uzivo Start - Ispred Muzeja Istorije Jugoslavije, Trg Nikole Pasica br. 3 Cilj - 'Kuca cveca' - Titov Mauzolej, Boticeva 6 Svrha - Suocavanje sa arhetipovima Jugoslovenske istorije Dokumentacija - Filmovi , fotografije, intervjui, autenticni suveniri Pocetak i kraj istorije Jugoslavije 1919 - 2003 24. novembar 1918. Sredisnji odbor Narodnog vijeca SHS proglasio ujedinjenje Drzave Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba sa podrucja bivse Austro-Ugarske Monarhije s kraljevinom Srbijom i Crnom Gorom u jedinstvenu drzavu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. 29. novembar 1943. Na Drugom zasedanju AVNOJ-a u Jajcu Jugoslavija je projektovana kao federacija pet naroda (Srbi, Hrvati, Slovenci, Makedonci i Crnogorci) i sest federalnih jedinica (Srbija, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Makedonija, Crna Gora i BiH. | 27. april 1992. Savezno vece Skupstine SFRJ usvojilo Ustav SRJ -zajednicke drzave Srbije i Crne Gore. 14. mart 2002. U Beogradu, zvanicnici SR Jugoslavije, Republike Srbije i Republike Crne Gore, uz prisustvo Visokog predstavnika Evropske unije, potpisali Polazne osnove za preuredjenje odnosa Srbije i Crne Gore, kojima je predvidjeno da SRJ ubuduce nosi naziv Srbija i Crna Gora. 4. februar 2003. Formirana drzavna zajednica Srbija I Crna Gora, zasnovana na ravnopravnosti dve drzave clanice , drzave Srbije I drzave Crne Gore. (www.gov.yu) Istorija posle istorije 4. februar 2003. Sta se promenilo posle tog dana? Da li smo mi isti? Ko smo mi? Sta je nas identitet? Da li mi imamo identitet? Da ji nam je potreban identitet? Sta je post identitet? Sta je post istorija? Da li mi zivimo post istoriju? Sta je istorija? Da li nam je potreban Muzej istorije Jugoslavije? Ko zasluzuje spomenik? Ko pravi spomenike? Ko pravi umetnost? Ko pise istoriju? Ko veruje u istorijske cinjenice? Gde su granice? Ko veruje u granice? Sta je globalizacija? Sta je tranzicija? Sta je svetska ekonomija? Sta je demokratija? Ko veruje u pravdu? Ko veruje u sudbinu? Ko veruje u Biga? Ko je religiozan? Ko je ateista? Ko je komunista? Sta je komunizam? Da li mi zivimo u post komunizmu? Gde mi zivimo? Ko je bio Tito? |