unutra.napolju >> soba u setnji pictures Selena Savic zvuk se moze snimiti i prenositi. zvuk se moze ponovo proizvoditi. zvuk prostora je samo jedna njegova odrednica. culo sluha je, smatram, dovoljno da stvori iluziju nepostojeceg prostora ili bar dovoljno da napravi konfuziju medju informacijama koje dobijamo spolja. zelim da vam bude toplo od zvuka tolpote. zelim da izvrsim vrhunsku obmanu cula. zelim da prenesem zvuk koji se ne cuje, da interpretiram osecaje koji se registruju drugim culima. pretpostavljam da se nadrazaji jace osecaju ako se koncentrisu na receptore jednog cula. ukidanjem vida pojacavam efekat samog zvuka. ono sto ne vidite - morate da zamislite. izazov ostvarenja uticaja na spoljasnji, otvoreni prostor pratim prenosenjem atmosfere stana odnosno stambenih prostorija u nekomforni prostor ulice. iznosim stan napolje i nosim ga sa sobom. moj <stan> posecivace moji gosti sa kojima se susrecem u razlicitim prostorijama <stana>. oni ce se nalaziti uvek u otvorenom, hladnom i prljavom gradskom prostoru imajuci iluziju da sede u dnevnoj sobi, kupatilu, kuhinji, spavacoj sobi ili setaju kroz <stan>. atmosfere prostorija su interpretirane zvucima karakteristicnim za date prostorije. struktura <stan> gradi se kroz susrete sa gostima na odredjenim tackama putanje koju prelazim na putu do krajnje odrednice ispod mosta <gazela>. pocevsi od slavije, na koju izlazim sama, preko zeleznicke stanice, karadjordjevom ulicom i preko brankovog mosta stizem do gazele. <under the brigde> je moja dnevna soba, tu svi ucesnici akcije postaju moji gosti. |
ACTIONS: >The capacity of a body isn't enough >Darting from side to side >MapPlay > Rena+Vladan: Map of Novi Sad >Decline of the Hype >Itinereri >YU (post) history happening >strictly baltic >Walking Exhibition >Fragmenti >The Walk-Room >Entropy and the Heterogenous |
the walk-room sound can be recorded and moved. sound can be re-produced. the sound of a space is just one of it's caracteristics. i consider the sense of hearing powerful enough to create an illusion of a nonexistent space or at least to make a confusion of informations that we receive from the outside. i want you to feel warm, hearing the sound of warmth. i want to convey a complete deceit of sences. i want you to hear the sound that is not heard, to interpret sensations that are sensed by different senses.i suppose that you sense the stimulations deeper if they are directed to recievers of one sense alone. by <turning off> the sense of sight, i amplify the efect of sound. you have to imagine what you can not see. i follow the chalenge of affecting the open space by moving the home atmosphere of a living space to the uncomfortable open space of a street. i am taking my home out and carrying it with me. my <appartment> will be visited by my guests, whom i shall be meeting in different spaces. they will be staying in an open, cold and dirty urban space, having an illusion that they are actually sitting in a living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom or they are just walking arround the <appartment>. space' s atmosperes are interpreted by sound that is caracteristic for each space. the structure of the <appartment> is built through meetings with my guests on different points of my road to the final destination, under the brigde. |